Palmar fascia
Superficial palmar fascia lies deep to subcutaneous tissue​
Proximally starts at termination of palmaris longus tendon (when present)​
Extends distally as 4 central bands of fascia toward each finger (no centra band for thumb)
At distal palmar crease, central bands are bridged transversely by superficial transverse palmar ligament
Central band branches into 3 directions:
Superficial (vertical) fibres​
Intermediate (longitudinal) fibres
Deep (transverse) fibres - Usually spared from contractures
Natatory ligaments​
Subdermal fascial layer bordering the periphery of the web spaces from thumb to little finger​
Known as distal first web space ligament in the 1st web space
In continuity with Grayson ligament
Cleland ligaments (dorsal to neurovascular bundles)​
Dupuytren's fascia has higher proportion of type III collagen than normal fascia
3 stages:
Nodule formation
Cord formation without contracture
Mature cords with finger contractures
Bands are normal fascia​
Cords are pathological​
Highest prevalence in older Caucasian men
Uncommon under 40 years old
Positive family history is the strongest predictor of disease and associated with earlier age of onset and earlier age of first treatment
No known aetiology
Associated with (but not causative of):
Tobacco smoking
Excessive alcohol
Antiepilectic medication
Chronic heavy manual labour
Clinical examination
Early signs:
Skin tightness​
Contour changes
Cords without contractures
Prominence ofpalmar monticuli
Dorsal Dupuytren nodules (Garrods pads pr knuckle pads)
Dupuytren's contracture
Passive extension deficit affecting MCPJ and PIPJ​
Specific cords result in specific contractures​:
MCPJ​ contracture - Pretendinous cord, pretendinous portion of spiral cord
PIPJ contracture
Spiral cord - Pretendinous band, spiral band, ​lateral digital sheet and Grayson's ligament
Central cord - Continuation of the pretendinous fibres from the palm to the digit
Lateral cord - Runs from natatory ligament to the lateral digital sheet
Web space contracture​ - Natatory cord
DIPJ contracture - Retrovascular cord
Surgery will not cure disease
General indications
Loss of function or difficulty with hygiene​
MCPJ contracture >30° or PIPJ contracture of any degree
Rapidly progressive disease
General cnontraindications​
Mild MCPJ joint contracture <30°â€‹
Nodules or cords without contracture
Unrealistic patient expectations
Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum injections​
45%-65% achieve near-full extension
Only 1 cord can be treated at a time
Contracture due to a palpable, tensionable cord with adequate skin reserve​
Severe allergic reaction​
Tight skin or scars preventing extension
Recurrence in young patient
Infection or healing wounds
Safety unknown in pregnancy, breastfeeding, <18 years
Performed over 2 consecutive days per hand​
Under sterile conditions, the central substance of the chosen cord segment is injected at 3 closely spaced points and hand is wrapped in a soft immobilising bandage
Manipulation is performed by surgon on postinjection days 1-4
Static extension night time splint for 1 month, and active range-of-movement exercises during the day
Needle fasciotomy
Contracture due to a palpable, tensionable cord with adequate skin reserve​
Unable to tolerate awake procedures
Tight skin or scars preventing extension
Recurrence in young patient
Infection or healing wounds
Local prep and field sterility​, local anaesthetic infiltration
Small gauge hypodermic needle inserted, and while cord is maintained under tension, the needle tip is used to progressively sever fibres
Procedure repeated for all chosen cords
Light bandage, avoid strenous gripping for 1 week
Failed minimally invasive treatment​
Diffuse disease
Concurrent treatment of secondary pathology
Surgeon/patient preference
Patients in whom a long operation, long recovery, postoperative therapy is not possible
Skin tightness beyond what local flaps could be expected to correct
Segmental fasciectomy​
Multiple short transverse or longitudinal C-shaped incisions​
Nodules and cord segments excised
Skin closed and soft bandage applied
Regional fasciectomy​
Longitudinal, longitudinal zigzag or transverse incisions​
All visibly diseased tissue is removed​
Longitudinal skin shortage beyond capacity for local flaps to correct​
Recurrect contracture with diffuse skin involvement or extensive scarring
Devascularised skin during surgery
Strong diathesis profile
​Patients in whom a long operation, long recovery, postoperative therapy is not possible
Patients in whom skin grafting is not advisable
Wide extensile exposure in primary procedure, or limited exposure to planned areas for excision in recurrent cases​
All zones of skin replacement excised
Skin left to heal secondarily or closed with full thickness skin graft
Injury to digital neurovascular structures
Flap necrosis
Dupuytren's flare response
Graft failure