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  • Low voltage - <1000 V

  • High voltage - >1000V

  • Extremely high voltage - lightning strikes

    • Direct - usually fatal​

    • Sideflash - Discharge of current from structure struck by lightning through the air or ground

    • Causes extensive deep muscle damage

      • Bone has high resistance, therefore it heats and causes burning from within​

    • Fasciotomies may be required​

    • Myoglobinuria and haemoglobinurea should be managed by maintaining a high urine output (2ml/kg/hr)

      • Consult critical care specialists about use of mannitol or sodium bicarbonate ​if urine output targets not met in spite of maximal fluid resuscitation

Indications for cardiac monitoring

  • Cardiac arrest

  • Suggestion of current crossing the mediastinum from entry and exit wound

  • Abnormal 12-lead ECG

Indications for cardiac monitoring
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