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Anatomy and Physiology

  • Complex system which extends 3 joints (MCPJ, PIPJ, DIPJ) and flexes 1 joint (MCPJ)

    • Extrinsic originates from forearm and inserts into MCPJ dorsal capsule and dorsal base of 3 phalanges)​

    • Intrinsic system consists of 7 interossei and 4 lumbricals which pass over the volar axis of MCPJ and dorsal axis of IPJs

  • Extensor compartments:

    • 1 - APL, EPB​

    • 2 - ECRL, ECRB

    • 3 - EPL

    • 4 - EDC, EIP

    • 5 - EDM

    • 6 - ECU

  • Extensor tendon zones:​

    • Zone 1 - Over DIPJ​

    • Zone 2 - Between DIPJ and PIPJ

    • Zone 3 - Over PIPJ

    • Zone 4 - Between PIPJ and MCPJ

    • Zone 5 - Over MCPJ

    • Zone 6 - Between MCPJ and extensor retinaculum

    • Zone 7 - Over extensor retinaculum

    • Zone 8 - Proximal to extensor retinaculum

Anatomy and h Physiology
Screenshot 2019-10-26 at 3.06.41 pm
Screenshot 2019-10-26 at 3.06.24 pm
Screenshot 2019-10-26 at 3.06.54 pm

Tendon healing

  • Three phases of tendon healing

  • Inflammation​ (first week) - cell proliferation and clean up

  • Proliferation (week 2-4) - fibroblasts and capillary buds migrate in and produce random collagen

  • Remodelling (months 2-6) - longitudinal organisation of collagen fibres in line with stress

  • Tendons with paratenon​

  • Fibroblasts and capillary buds migrate into the injured area​

  • Tendons with synovial sheath (controversial)

  • Extrinsic - fibroblasts migrate from the sheath into the injured site (also form adhesions)​

  • Intrinsic - tenocytes migrate across closely approximated ends and heal with nutrients from synovial fluid

Primary repair

  • Disclaimer: The following are the editor's preferred repair methods (please use with guidance from your own unit)

  • Zone 1:

    • Closed non-bony - Splint DIPJ in full extension 8-10 weeks​

    • Closed with fracture <50% articular surface - Splint as above

    • Closed with fracture ≥50% articular surface - Percutaneous K-wire fixation (Ishiguru technique), ORIF screw fixation

    • Open injury - continuous running 4-0/5-0 Ethilon and splint for 6 weeks in extension

    • Local flap reconstruction may be necessary inadequate soft tissue coverage for tendon repair

  • Zone 2:​

    • Partial laceration <50% - repair not required​, active motion after wound healed

    • Partial laceration ≥50% - continuous running 4-0/5-0 Ethilon suture, splint DIPJ for 6 weeks

    • Thumb - core 4-0 Ethilon modified Kessler, continuous running epitendinous 5-0 Ethilon, splint IPJ for 6 weeks

  • Zone 3:​

    • Closed avulsion (boutonniere injury) - splint PIPJ in full extension for 6 weeks with MPJ and DIPJ​ free

    • Open injury - Core 4-0 Ethilon modified Kessler, continuous running epitendinous 5-0 Ethilon, splint PIPJ in full extension for 6 weeks with MPJ and DIPJ​ free

    • Use anchor suture if stump of central slip too short for suture repair

  • Zone 4:​

    • Usually open: Core 4-0 Ethilon modified Kessler, continuous running epitendinous 5-0 Ethilon, splint with wrist 20-30° extension, MPJ 70-90° flexion and IPJs full extension

  • Zone 5:​

    • Beware of fight bite injury​, which may not be suitable to primary tendon repair and may require urgent washout of MCPJ

    • Look for superficial radial nerve injury in thumb extensor injuries

    • Repair as for zone 4 injury

    • Open sagittal band laceration - 4-0/5-0 Ethilon epitendinous suture, splint MPJ in full extension for 3-5 days, then gentle flexion and extension exercises

    • Thumb - repair as for zone 3 injury

  • Zone 6-9:​

    • Tendon bodies repaired with core and epitendinous suture as per zone 3​

    • Muscle bellies opposed with figure-of-8 3-0 PDS

    • Splint according to tendon repaired (including elbow if tendon originating from above elbow)

    • Beware of nerve injuries

  • For general considerations on splinting, see Flexor tendons​


  • Rupture

  • Adhesions

  • Extensor imbalance - swan neck deformity, boutonniere deformity, extrinsic/intrinsic tightness

Delayed reconstruction

  • Usually requires staged reconstruction after degloving injuries to the hand

  • 1st stage - obtain adequate skin coverage with or without placement of silicone implants

  • 2nd stage (wait about 3 months) - tendon graft

Tendon healing
Primary repair
Delayed reconstruction
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