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So you have been shortlisted!

  • This is the final test. After years of portfolio preparation and logbook building, this is the last hurdle!

  • Virtual interview

  • General advice:

    • There is no scoring for appearance, but dressing appropriately and grooming yourself for an interview​ gives interviewers a good impression of you and can make the difference in subjective components of the interview

    • Prepare well in advance, both physically and mentally

    • Time yourself when practising, overestimate the amount of time you need slightly

    • Rest well the day before - eat well, do something relaxing, sleep early the night before your interview

    • Book the interview as soon as they are announced - favourable slots get taken VERY QUICKLY!

Virtual interview (30 minutes)

  • After portfolio validation and scoring, highest scoring candidates will be shortlisted for interview

    • Total 30 minutes interview on Microsoft Teams

      • 10 minutes clinical

      • 10 minutes communication (consent/ phone the boss)

      • 10 minutes structured interview (audit/ QI/ teaching/ management/ research)

  • Scoring​

    • Structured interview - 20%​

    • Clinical scenario - 25%

    • OSCE consent - 15%

    • OSCE communication - 15%

    • Portfolio - 25%

Structured interview (10 minutes)

  • 2-3 questions about but not limited to:

    • Audit​

    • Research

    • Management and leadership

    • Teaching

    • Ethics

    • Risk management

  • As an opener, interviewers may ask you "Why do you want train in Plastic Surgery?"​

    • This question is not scored, so save time with having a quick succinct answer​

  • Overall, this station ​only permits approximately 3 minutes per question on average

  • Therefore, try to fit your answer comfortably within 2.5 minutes during practice

Clinical scenarios (10 minutes)

  • Viva-style discussion of management of 2-3 clinical cases relevant to plastic surgery

  • Tested at the level of a day 1 registrar

  • Common topics can include, but are not limited to:

    • Skin cancer and reconstruction​

    • Burn injuries

    • Hand trauma

    • Plastic surgery emergencies - necrotising fasciitis or threatened flap

Communication (10 minutes)

  • Consent station

    • Aim to complete this in 3-3.5 minutes

    • One of the interviewers will be a simulated patient

    • Do it as if you would in normal clinical practice

    • Remember to discuss procedure, benefits, risks and leave time for questions 

  • Call the boss station

    • You are given the question at the start of the station - the more time you take  to understand the scenario​​​​​​​, the less time you have to call the boss

    • It is likely a scenario in the middle of the night where you are calling the consultant as a registrar to ask him to come in or to make him aware of a case

    • Communicate the salient points in a structured manner

So you have been shortlisted!
Interview circuit
Structured interview (10 minutes)
Communication (10 minutes)
Clinical scenarios (10 minutes)


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